Meanwhile, a twist has come into light that Kajal is expressing her anguish on the popular magazine saying they have used fake topless picture on the cover page to gain cheap publicity. Kajal and her family informed that the actress has recently done a photo shoot for the magazine however the topless picture on the cover page was a fabricated one, further adding that Kajal will take a legal action against the FHM.
On the other hand, Kabeer Sharma editor of FHM refuted to the allegations made by the actress saying Kajal has done the photo shoot on 18th August in Mumbai with a full team of the assistants, stylists, make up artists, photographers and others.
“We’d be happy to release the full untouched raw pictures on the internet soon to back it up also. Furthermore we also have a model release form signed by Kajal herself. To say that the picture is morphed is an insult to both the brand FHM as well as the collective intelligence of you (her fans),” said Kabeer Sharma editor of FHM.