Sunil, Isha Chawla starrer ‘Poolarangadu’ in the direction of Veerabhadram of Aha Naa Pellanta fame is progressing at a brisk pace and the makers are happy for the way the film is shaping up. Poolarangadu is being produced by K Atchi Reddy on Macs India Productions banner and has music by Anoop Rubens. RR Movie Makers is presenting the flick.
The unit is currently canning few vital scenes on the lead cast and the makers are planning to wrap up the shoot at a rapid pace and release the film on 14th January 2012 for Pongal. The film will result as a god hit in Sunil’s career, informs producer Achi Reddy.
Other prominent roles are being essayed by Kota Srinivas Rao, Aali, Pradeep Rawath, Raghu Babu, Dev Gil, Prithvi, Sudha, Pragathi et al