Rajinikanth coming Movie Rana is said to be a Highest Budget movie with an estimated budget of over Rs 150 crores. Now, the amazing news is that , he will be performing his own stunts for Rana. The News said by director KS Ravi Kumar. The Superstar, who is currently recuperating at Singapore’s Mount Elizabeth Hospital, is keen on doing the stunts on his own.
Ravi Kumar says “Rajinikanth, who fell ill during the first schedule of Rana is keenly monitoring the progress of Rana”. The director is also not in a rush to start filming Rana. He wants Rajini to take all the rest he needs, before coming to sets completely fit. The shooting which is stopped temporarily will resume in September as opposed to June end, said Ravi Kumar. Rajini will be seen in 3 different roles in Rana Movie.