Power star Pawan Kalyan is busy in Kolkatta with shooting of his upcoming movie, according to film nagar sources, its heard that he is going to hold mega phone for his pet project Satyagrahi. This movie was was announced five years ago might be taking shape soon and it would be made under Pawan's home banner. Pawan made his directorial debut with the film Johnny which was damp squib.
Satyagrahi To Go On T0 Sets Soon
Power star Pawan Kalyan is busy in Kolkatta with shooting of his upcoming movie, according to film nagar sources, its heard that he is going to hold mega phone for his pet project Satyagrahi. This movie was was announced five years ago might be taking shape soon and it would be made under Pawan's home banner. Pawan made his directorial debut with the film Johnny which was damp squib.